Why We Never Use Tap Water In Our Sea Moss Gels

The water we drink begins entering our bloodstream in about 5 minutes.
At the molecular level, we are over 99% water. This liquid can either be the foundation of our health or sickness depending on the quality. There is much debate about the best kind of water to drink.
Often, we grow up being taught that water straight from the earth is dangerous, yet all water comes from nature. We do not create water. We just process it. Our ancestors gathered & drank unprocessed spring water from nature.
Good spring water comes from aquifers deep underground. The power of spring water is that it goes through the earth’s natural filtration system. Sometimes, this means moving up through hundreds of thousands of feet of filtration material. It’s hard to believe that a few feet in a water machine could be better than that. Spring water is also abundant in healthy minerals such as silica, magnesium and calcium and contains healthy microbes and probiotics.
However, some springs are unfortunately contaminated due to things like fracking, so it is vitally important to make sure to test the spring before drinking from it.
A lot of tap water contains contaminants that are detrimental to human health including chlorine and fluoride. Tap water in certain cities is recycled waste water.
But what about Reverse Osmosis or Alkaline water?
Majority of brands today, will use a reverse osmosis machine to treat the tap water. While these filters can be good at removing most of these toxic compounds, but that leaves you with a water with no healthy minerals, and doesn’t address its structure. The water itself is still structurally dead, and can still be contaminated with many pharmaceuticals
Okay… what about bottled water?
Bottled water presents more problems. The majority of bottled water is processed with ultra violet light and ozone gas for shelf stability and cheaper transport. This destroys healthy microbes or probiotics, which our bodies are biologically adapted to thrive from. To make matters worse many bottled water companies are drilling and depleting aquifers, which destroys habitats and connected natural springs as well.
Collecting fresh pristine spring water is the perfect option for our health and the health of the planet.
Changing the water you drink changes the waters you are made of and greatly improves health. Once you drink pristine living spring water, it’s hard to drink anything else.
Water holds memory though is sacred geometry, it’s conscious, water is alive
If water provides life then it too must be alive, it’s only logical
Most Sea Moss Companies will use either Tap or Bottled ‘Spring’ Water
Both of these options, the water is dead, contaminated and holds no charge
Spring water is pure structured water. Structured water is vibrationally repaired water, back to its natural spring water frequency state – where all water molecules can return to vibrating in a hexagonal grid.
You can find your nearest local spring at www.findmyspring.org