How Sea Moss Helps Women Going Through Menopause

With 92 of the minerals our bodies require, there is no doubt of the power of wildcrafted sea moss. For women going through the menopause, this is no different. Around the late 40s to early 50s, women experience physical discomforts and challenges that include hot flushes, emotional instability and fatigue. Here’s how Organic Irish moss can help women going through menopause by tackling these symptoms:
Tackles hot flushes
A very common side effect of the menopause are hot flushes. But thanks to Conscious Moss containing vitamin B6 and magnesium, they act as a natural remedy to cool the body down. Providing Irish Moss is consumed daily, menopausal women are likely to see a decrease in their suffering from hot flushes.
Helps to stop weight gain
Caused by hormones such as estrogen and progesterone being imbalanced, women going through the menopause are likely to suffer weight gain. Women can benefit from a more regulated metabolism when having organic sea moss thanks to iodine’s weight gain decreasing and hormone balancing properties. Additionally, as a great source of natural dietary fibre, it helps the stomach to feel more full without packing on the extra pounds through fats and carbohydrates.
Assisting in reproductive health
Thyroid hormones play a key part in reproductive health. When the menopause arrives though, the production of thyroid hormones decreased substantially; often being the cause of mental and physical irritability. These symptoms can be eased by daily Conscious Moss consumption, with Irish moss helping to regulate the production of the body’s thyroid hormones.
Improving discomfort
An area of which can become very irritated during the menopause is the vagina – specifically due to the area drying and/or thinning. By consuming wildcrafted sea moss, women can benefit from improved levels of estrogen that can help with making the private areas less irritated.
Managing those mood swings
It’s commonly known that menopausal women will suffer from unpredictable mood swings and irritability. Thankfully, Irish moss can help to improve mental wellbeing as it’s packed with minerals which are known to drop cortisol levels, such as tryptophan and selenium.
All round health
Irish sea moss has the power to help side effects way beyond the menopause. Due to it packing a huge amount of minerals such as iodine, vitamin K and vitamins B1, B3 and B6 to name a few; it will help the body in achieving all-round health.
It’s clear to see that organic wildcrafted Irish moss is the go-to superfood for women going through the menopause thanks to its power in helping to balance hormones and promote internal health.