What's the deal with subscriptions?

The greatest benefits with Sea Moss usually come from long term, consistent use - we generally recommend trying the product for at least 3 months to see results when fully integrated into your lifestyle & routine! You can edit or cancel your subscription anytime directly from the website yourself, no questions asked!

How long does Sea Moss last?

Store in the fridge for 21 days and keep the lid tight and well refrigerated. Conscious Moss gels are very sensitive as we refuse to use artificial synthetic chemicals to preserve shelf life. The conditions the gel is exposed too, can impact shelf life.

When can I expect delivery?

Please allow 1-2 working days for your order to be dispatched via DPD Next Day Delivery

How does this work?

We combine Sea Moss with organic natural plant herbs & ingredients which has a strong adaptogenic effect on the body and mind. These ingredients have been used for thousands of years all around the world, and their impact has been scientifically proven on countless occasions

How much Sea Moss should I take daily?

We suggest you take 1-2 tablespoons of sea moss gel daily

Where does our Sea Moss come from?

We sell 2 species of Sea Moss.

All of our Irish Sea Moss (Chondrus Crispus) is wildharvested straight from the rocks by a family of harvesters on the West Coast of Ireland. They have been hand-picking organic seaweed for over 120 years from the pristine nutrient rich waters of the Atlantic Ocean. As Nature Intended it's harvested sustainably and undergoes testing such as heavy metals and microbiology to ensure is only the finest organic seaweed is sent to our customers.

Sea Moss, Irish Moss, Purple Moss, Caribbean Moss: What’s the difference? Are they all the same?

Unfortunately, calling a gel by it’s colour for example ‘purple, red, green’ sea moss and not it’s scientific name. The chances are the seller is unaware of what's being sold. There’s definitely a need to bring some clarifications and finally get things straight. You have the right to know what you’re buying. And, as a Sea Moss company, we owe you detailed, reliable, and accurate information.   

Simply put, whether Irish, Jamaican, or Caribbean Sea Moss. They're all different species. Scientifically, we’re talking about Chondrus Crispus (Irish Sea Moss) & Eucheuma Cottonii (Caribbean Sea Moss)

Studies have shown that sea moss’s geographical origin may impact its nutrient density and diversity. And that’s where the difference is relevant because nutrients are exactly why sea moss has such a significant impact on your health.

So, let's browse the similarities and differences between Irish, Caribbean and other strains. And most importantly, does it really matter? Yes! Read our detailed blog below for more information


What Is Irish Moss?

Irish Sea Moss is an algae (seaweed) that grows on the Atlantic coastlines of Ireland, North America & Europe. The scientific name of Irish Sea Moss is Chondrus Crispus.

Irish Sea Moss has been harvested and consumed in Ireland for hundreds of years and used as a natural remedy for many conditions from the flu to fatigue. During Ireland's potato famine in the 1940's, Irish sea moss was commonly used as food to help prevent sickness and nutritional deficiencies.

How to store Sea Moss?

Store the coldest part of the fridge and keep the lid tight. Please refrigerate immediately upon arrival, always check the “best before date. Sea Moss Gel can also be frozen, it is convenient to use an ice cube tray and fill it with Sea Moss Gel.

How exactly does Sea Moss help tackling the cold & flu?


Irish Sea Moss is packed with potassium iodide, which is great for dissolving troublesome phlegm in clogged airways (3). It also rich in amino acids, vitamin C, antioxidants, as well as a host of antiviral and antimicrobial agents, these nutrients can help you to fight or ward off infections. It has also shown in clinical studies that its antiviral properties can help combat and prevent cold sores (5).